
Things Nobody Cares About

(1)  That weird ("oh my God you guys it was so real") dream you had.(2)  Personal triumphs from high school or college.(3)  Intimate details (of any nature).(4)  Your views on politics, religion, sports, celebrities, automobiles, vegetarianism, or the weather we’ve been having.(5)  Job related minutiae.(6)  How members of your family get along with each other […]


list of favorite books from five years ago

An ex student threatened to get all his recommended reading from Sean Hannity if I didn’t re-post the below, which is about five years out of date.  The coolest pop things I’ve read since then are George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series, Steven Erikson’s Malazan Book of the Fallen series and […]


the last days of generation X

During my first miserable years of graduate school in Columbus, Ohio I would sometimes visit old friends and family in Austin, Texas.  On one such visit I got dragged along to a party by my college friend Ira.  The house was really depressing, everything covered in a layer of cigarette dust and dirt: shag carpets […]


one way Jesus can help you

Last year when Emily and I were crossing the street in our neighborhood a car came very close to running into us.  The car was some kind of old Ford (does Ford still make cars, or is it all "light trucks" now?) and the driver was a dowdy, middle aged African American woman.  Emily and […]


cracked actor

One of the strange things about the state of contemporary philosophy is that the notion of personality has been theorized so little.  When philosophers talk about the self, they usually take themselves to be considering what makes a person the same person they were from day to day in some (never really explained) "strict sense."  […]


more television shows that will never show

(1)  A ten part miniseries on the history and geopolitics of mucous, (2)  A hard hitting expose on the metaphysics of color (with particular emphasis on the so-called "red/green exclusion" problem that bedevilled Wittgenstein), (3) Five seasons of Fred receiving dental work on an abcessed bicuspid that had gotten so bad that his friends were […]